what we do

Cybersecurity services with surgical precision

what exactly can I get?

what we offer

Immense expertise to help making things secure

why should I bother?

holistic security approach

We offer a broad scale of IT security services of any complexity

Networks are what is often attacked first because of the interconnected nature of our world.


Mobile and Web applications are what end users will directly interact with. Not all such users have good intentions.


Servers if protected reliably from cyber criminals ensure the safety of business data and smooth continuity of company’s processes.


Omnipresence of IoT and other smart devices, even in the places where you did not expected them, opens a wide door for hackers to achieve their myriads malicious goals.

IoT and Devices


of total financial loss in 2022 due to cyber crime, according to FBI's report


is estimated to have been spent on cyber security in 2022 global-wise, and this number will continue to grow

% of companies

plan to shift more than half of their workload into the cloud

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